Hello Beis Midrash members and friends,

As we draw near to Rosh HaShana, we wanted to take the opportunity to update you with regards to recent and future activities.

  • First, we want to thank the Tzibbur for their contributions to our emergency appeal. Baruch Hashem, we reached our goal and have repaid the bank loan, overdraft, and all private loans which we had. We now are able to continue with several important projects described below.
  • Due to the growth of membership over the past year and the special Tefilos which the Shul offers, all seats for RH/YK were sold. To accommodate those who want to Daven with us, the Vaad elected to purchase new tables in order to add an extra row of seating for men in the back. B’Ezras Hashem, the feeling of unity among our members should enable us to not even feel how crowded it is, and this should give us impetus to move forward with a greatly needed permanent building.
  • As you probably noticed, there have been multiple problems with the air conditioners over the past months. Twice on Shabbos they switches off the electricity. Several stopped working altogether, while others, although functioning partially, no longer really met our needs. After consulting with an air conditioner technician and with an electrician, the Vaad accepted their recommendations and elected to purchase three new air conditioners and repair the central unit in order to supply a pleasant environment for Davening and learning. This was made possible due to the success of the emergency appeal.
  • After three years of hard work led by Yoni Palmer, we Baruch Hashem are nearing completion of our own Sefer Torah. We invite the entire Tzibbur (adults and children) to participate by dancing with us on Wednesday of Chol HaMoed as we escort the new Sefer Torah into our Beis Midrash. Announcements are posted in the Shul. Anyone interested in offering help with logistics beforehand or with helping make the event successful should contact Yoni.
  • The Shul is riding the Daf Yomi wave. Two new Daf Yomi Shiurim in English have begun – at 5:20am and at 11:00am. This in addition to the Hebrew Daf Yomi Shiur at 18:00. There are also several Daf Yomi Chevrutas, from early in the morning until late at night. We invite the Tzibbur to join these Shiurim as well as the many other Shiurim that exist in the Beis Midrash throughout the week on all different topics (Halacha, Mishna, Navi, Tefila, Machshava, etc.).
  • Avos Ubanim has seen tremendous growth during Elul with some 30 children now participating. We encourage all fathers to take the time to learn with their sons in the Beis Midrash on Shabbos afternoon. It’s a worthwhile investment with unlimited returns.

We again wish everyone and their families a פתקא טבאand invite you to help us make this coming year even better than the previous year and to enable the Beis Midrash to grow in new directions!!

The Ahavas Shalom Vaad

  • Aryeh Beer: Treasurer
  • Micha Kushner: Secretary and Avos Ubanim
  • Yitzchak Reichenberg – Kiddushim and Kibbud
  • Aryeh Waldman: Bet Zvi
  • Ephraim Friedman: New Building
  • Avi Rosenberg: Otzar Sefarim
  • Yona Kaufman: Amuta Issues