Shabbos Newsletter Parshas Shoftim 5777

This issue is sponsored by Stephen Seltzer in memory of his Father Milton Seltzer (Mordechai Ben Eliyahu Nata HaLevi) whose 29th yahrzeit is the 11th of Elul.

You can sponsor an issue of the Ahavas Shalom Newsletter—Contact Lev Seltzer for details


  • Mincha Friday at 13:30, 17:31 and 18:57
  • 3rd Shabbos Mincha is now 17:55, and will change every week for the next few weeks.
  • Shabbos Shiurim:
    • The Rav’s shiur on Beis Elokim written by the Mabit takes place this and every Shabbos at about 07:50
    • The Rav’s shiur on Pirkei Avos immediately after the 17:55 mincha (approximately 18:20). The ezras nashim will be open to women from Mincha.
  • Raffle tickets are here! 1 Ticket: 50₪ or 200₪ for 5. See a vaad member to purchase.
      • Congratulations to the anonymous winner of the Breakfast at Holy Bagels
      • Next Early Bird raffle is on September 3rd.
      • Win: 1 Hour Martial Arts Lesson at the RBS Martial Arts Academy (and your winning ticket goes back into the pot for a chance to win another prize!)
    • Contact Aryeh Beer to pay your membership dues or make a donation to the Kehilla. The Kehilla is now recognized under Section 46 of the Israeli Tax Code, so all donations are tax deductible!
    • Good Shabbos!
Shabbos Schedule Parshas Shoftim

לוח שבת פרשת שופטים

Erev Shabbos   ערב שבת
Mincha 1 13:30 מנחה א׳
“Early Mincha” 17:31 מנחה ”מוקדמת“
Plag Hamincha 17:51 פלג המנחה
Candle Lighting 18:35/18:55 הדלקת נרות
Mincha 3 18:57 מנחה ג׳
Shekiyah 19:15 שקיעה
Shabbos Day יום השבת
Brachos 8:00 ברכות
Shochein Ad 8:30 שוכן עד
Latest Shema – M. A. 8:39 סוף זמן ק”ש למג”א
Latest Shema – G’ra 9:27 סוף זמן ק”ש לגר”א
Mincha 1 13:30 מנחה א׳
Mincha 2* 16:00 מנחה ב׳*
Mincha 3                      F 17:55 מנחה ג׳       E
Pirkei Avos 18:20 פרקי אבות
Shekiyah 19:14 שקיעה
Ma’ariv 1 19:51 מעריב א׳
Ma’ariv 2 20:14 מעריב ב׳


זמנים לימי חול עד פרשת כי תצא יום  (Sun)א׳  (Mon)ב׳  (Tue)ג׳  (Wed)ד׳  (Thu)ה׳  (Fri)ו׳ Weekday times until Parshas Ki Seitzei
שחרית 06:20, 07:15, 08:05 06:20, 07:15, 08:05 06:20, 07:15, 08:05 06:20, 07:15, 08:05 06:20, 07:15, 08:05 06:20, 07:15, 08:15
מנחה 13:14, 15:15 13:13, 15:15 13:13, 15:15 13:13, 15:15 13:12, 15:15 13:30, 17:24, 18:48
מעריב 20:15*, 21:00 20:15*, 21:00 20:15*, 21:00 20:15*, 21:00 20:15*, 21:00